

Loners and Drifters Inc
Name Loners and Drifters Inc
Ticker LODRI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98652577

Members [0]


For mainly loners and drifters in k-space and j-space. For people with a little time to give to the game, but not an excessive amount.

We are part of the Patchwork Freelance Alliance, which is centered round Dodixie (Seyllin, Ane, Decon, Sharuveil), and members are free to fleet-up for small-scale PvP, but this is not a PvP-focussed corporation. PvP is just one part of the game. PVE, exploration, fun. That's the idea.

New players are welcome as they learn the game, providing they are wiling to learn through trial and error, plus good advice.

Fly brave! o7


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-10-30 20:07:10
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API J:17 Mar 02:37 K:17 Mar 02:34 C:17 Mar 02:47 A:17 Mar 02:48 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:17 Mar 02:43 S:17 Mar 02:33 W:17 Mar 02:15