

Zirnitras Clade
Name Zirnitras Clade
Ticker ZIRNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98665425

Members [0]


DED WARNING :: universal translator error /////....

error report // ded mainframe

Loading non empire linguistics...

Non empire : Triglavian collective unknown dialect... Searching DED classified database . . . .

Dialect found: Clade: svarog SubClade: Zinitra.

Advanced special operations warning: Col Smith DED Abyssal contingent: Reports of Zirnitra Precursors in Conqured known space a serious concern, Scouts report collusion of low sec pirates (capsuleers and Angel Cartel) to enable Zirnitra Precursors to manufacture fleets of Triglavian dreadnaught class ships within jump range of Jita (caldari navy informed). Threat level: Very High. Note: Raise Svarog Clade threat level! Immenent invasion of Caldari space rumoured.

Sub Clade Distinction: Zirnitra SubClade do not refer to themselves as triglavian only precursor, a hint to the fact that perhaps their loyalties lay elsewhere, they show huge affection to Angel Cartel and capsuleers who help Angel cartel reffering to them as Precursor Proven a hint to their soverign nature within empire or a hint to their love of furthering advanced technology?

DED MARINE SLANG: THE DEATH SQUAD (KNOWN FRO GENOCIDAL TENDANCY NO SURVIVORS OFTEN LEFT) Officers encouraged to desuade marines from using this slang as it breeds fear in empire troops and pilots, many refuse to engage resulting in inprisonment.

Translating ////////////////////////

Zinitras clade are masters in large ship construction having handed design for much of the zinitra class dreadnaught to the collective.

While this is a distinction it is not the only attribute to this ancient precursor sect. Their heavy use of occular filters for Zirnitra class ship construction has made them adept at construction of all triglavian plugins.

They will war with other clades while also showing indifference to the subjugation or destruction of anything non triglavian or triglavian in nature. Will become EXTREMELY hostile to any entity jeopardising industrial actions and industrial resource aquisition in any space, especially zirnitra manufacture.

Not in hundreds of years has a dragon claw member been seen without a survival suit, birthing rumours of horrific mutations in aid of prolonged longevity of high occular booster effects used while quantum lensing ultratidal weapons.

Their ascociation with Angel cartel and ubiquity in their space of late may suggest ties to Angel Cartel factions long before the invasion and may be where the Angel Cartel have aquired their advanced 'jovian' ship designs from.

Members of svarog. < invite only : closed recruitment >

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-12-20 19:52:36
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