

The Technicus of St. Alta
Name The Technicus of St. Alta
Ticker TTOSA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98672043

Members [0]


"All shall come before the Altar, to taste of the Knowledge our Lord has bestowed upon me. Gather, my faithful, as the Lord gathered the First Creations, and let no division of Man keep you from your purpose. The Technicus will recieve His Knowledge. The Technicus will preserve His Knowledge. The Technicus wil share His Knowledge with the worthy. " - St. Atla

The teachings of Alta are based around the heretical teachings of a nun by the name of Atla who once served in the Khanid Kingdom. These beliefs centered around the idea that the Amarrian God had created the "First Creations"...beings of mechanical origin who brought fear into the other creations of the Amarrian God. In text it is described that the Amarrian God "cast out" these "First Creations", banishing them to places unknown. The nun believed that she had been contacted by these "First Creations", and they had charged her with the gathering, protection, and distribution of the technical knowledge of Mankind. The cult has slowly begun to fufill her purpose, backed by a few smaller holder families in the Kingdom.

While the Ministry does define the following St. Atla as a cult, it is quite low in threat. With the prevelance of greater threats to the Empire such as the Blood Raiders and the Equilibrium of Man, there is little desire or need to devote the resources to re-educating the members of the "Technicus", as they call themselves. Seen as eccentrics by most of the scientific community, there have been instances where the scientists of the Technicus have created breakthroughs, thus allowing for their continued work.


Thank you for your interest in my little corp!

Yes, it is a play off the Adeptus Mechanicus.


- Industry
- Research


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-02-16 20:25:57
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