

Attention Deficit
Name Attention Deficit
Ticker ADHD.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98680904

Members [0]


Attention Deficit [ADHD.] is currently recruiting. We are under the Pandemic Horde Umbrella in Pan Intergalactic Business Community. We have our own system with our own structures. You will have exclusive access to some of the best Mining and Ratting opportunities in the game... not to mention we always have access to Pandemic Horde Operations, so if you're into PVP, you're in luck.

Want to join our team?
Join in-game channel: ADHD Recruiting

We offer...

Mining & Industry
- Boosted Mining Fleets
- Ratting in some of the best space in the game
- Null sec Incursions
- Specialized Squads and Interest groups to join.

- Pandemic always has stuff going on!
- Small Fleet PVP
- Large Scale Fleet PVP
- Capital and Titan Warfare

As well as:
- Fun Fleet roams & Serious Fleets.
- Jump freighter service to and from Jita and other areas.
- Active Members in All Timezones,
- Mumble, Jabber, Forums, and Discord
- Corporate Athanors with Moon Lasers

- Must have at least 2-3 weeks of steady ESI activity such as market transactions, mission completions, Tutorial completion, and others. Players not meeting this will be asked to reapply when they meet this requirement.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-05-23 11:15:12
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