

Dungeon Shack
Name Dungeon Shack
Ticker IABMF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98709225

Members [0]


Welcome to the Dungeon Shack

If you're wondering what this corp is about well I'm here to let you know it's the most chill place you will find. If you are a person that enjoys PvE for most of your gameplay and some PvP once in a while then this is a place for you. Currently based in highsec 0.9 system, 3 Jumps from Jita Trade Hub!

What do we do here:

- Industry - We like to build our own things if we can!

(A) Industry we make T1 ships for personal use and selling when needed.

(B) Making modules. High slots, Mid slots, Low slots, Rigs. Shields and Armor modules. Rigs Small-Large. (Mostly Medium)

(C) Some T2 ships for exploration, mining and stealth bombers.

(D) Make all T2 missiles - Light, heavy, heavy assault, cruise, torpedoes.

(E) Making all drone sizes, light, medium, heavy in T1 and T2 and EWAR drones all types. Mining drones.

(F) Mining.

(G) Planetary Industry

- PvE Content - We enjoy ratting and salvaging.

(A) Combat sites, cosmic anomalies, cosmic signatures, mission running.

(B) Cosmic Signatures for data/relic sites for our industry or to sell. Highsec, lowsec, null, WH.

(C) Salvaging because what kind of industrialist can you be without salvaging!

(D) Mining in all space for building or to sell. Boost and compression available with porpoise.

- PvP Content - When doing PvP it's typically cloaky.

(A) Hunting explorers and ratters.

(B) Hole control into our highsec system.

(C) Camping gates for suspect pilots coming from lowsec.

- Misc and fine print -

(A) No tax rate. No Lp tax rate. No ore buyback or ship replacement.

(B) T2 hauler in corp to help to move items to trade hub. Logistic pilot in corp to help with pvp or pve.

COME JOIN US, IT WILL BE FUN! - PST time zone. Active typically (eve time) 13:00-16:00 and 22:00-05:00 but will vary sometimes. Life and work comes first then play :D

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-01-18 21:13:51
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