

Ocker Holdings LTD.
Name Ocker Holdings LTD.
Ticker OCKR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98728364

Members [0]


Looking for a small corporation to help you learn the in and outs of industry?
Tired of mining on your own?
Looking to get into a more lucrative way of life?

Ocker Holdings LTD. Is now recruiting!

Who we are:

Ocker Holdings LTD. is a small null sec corp based around the industry side of the game.

What we offer:

We offer regular mid tier moon mining, ice belt mining, Arkonor and Bistot mining, and coming soon, Mercoxit mining! If mining isn't your thing, we have a privately rented system you can rat in as well.

What we need from you:

Join our website (link coming soon), fill out the information. Once you do, your application will be processed. Once we receive your information, you will receive an Eve mail from our recruitement team with further instructions.

Questions? Comments? Join our lounge here!

Ocker Holdings Lounge

Nobody in the lounge? Join our discord server! (You'll need to join this server once you get accepted anyway)


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2023-03-03 19:53:53
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