
Ticker GGIO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98730691

Members [0]


Welcome to Corporation [

Offering a place for other pilots to group together and be secure, form a community and take on the unknown, always welcoming new Capsuleers and Veteran Capsuleers looking for a change.

More about the Corporation and its goodies can be utilized from our Discord Server.

Discord Server Features:

> Live Kill streamlog of EVE Online Capsuleers
> Ticket System
> Corporate Communication [GGIO]
> Alliance Communication [SEA]
> Fleet Organization
> Textchat & Voice Chat Channels
> Capsuleer Bounty Board

And surely in the future as we grow as a community, corporation, and alliance more features will be added (Hopefully with more staff)


If you haven't already been recruited into EVE Online by another player Click Here and log into your Eve online Account so you can retro activate the Recruitment rewards, then you will have OFFICIALLY been recruited into EVE Online and will recieve 1,000,000 Skill Points plus some other cool things like SKINS and Cerebral Accelerators. If you end up at any point buying PLEX or any Omega Status time off the EVE Online store page on their website or if your a Steam User off the Eve Online DLC store on there you will also get extra rewards for being recruited and contributing to EVE Online's market place.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2023-02-07 19:01:14
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