

AKINA mountain family
Average camping enjoyer
Name AKINA mountain family
Ticker AE868
Alliance Average camping enjoyer
Faction -
Ceo Homura Hikari
Members 188
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98615098

Members [188]


4-HWWF - AKINA Martyrs Monument
Killling ratters and miners is also a part of PVP.If you failed to accept it DO NOT play this game.

But safety can be bought



Subcap \u5e38\u89c4 1B/month
carrier/dreads \u5c0f\u65d7\u8230 5B/month
surpercarrier \u5927\u822a 15B/month


When you pay, we will help you drive away other people in your system.

About the employment of campers:

CEO: Sun Akiga mail in game

Director: Homura Hikari (CN/EN)

Discord: HikariHomura#7771

Whoever against AOM is our friend.

2022.01.07 12:34 The Army of Mango Alliance disintegrated. R.I.P (But Ranger Regiment is our next target)
2022.01.08 04:00 Ranger Regiment was kicked out of imp.... WTF..???
2022.01.10 15:40 Ranger Regiment disintergrated..........????????

DED Sovereignty claim Acknowledgment: R-ARKN
Sent: 2022.01.08 10:12

This mail is your confirmation that DED now officially acknowledges that your member corporation AKINA mountain family has claimed sovereignty on your behalf in the system R-ARKN .'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 16:01:46
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