

ANS Alliance and National Service
Name ANS Alliance and National Service
Ticker ANSAN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Darlias
Members 2
Tax Rate 0.7%
corporationID 752334435

Members [2]


Good afternoon, I'm Commander Lormichi and this is ACN News, the signing of the balmin treaty will end decades of colonial conflict, Commaders From the ANS corp will be in route to ANNARO's - VIII - 4 Moon -War and State Academy to recruit new pilots for the Alliance and National Service Corperation, All over the system Alliance fleets are standing down or re-grouping there assets for other sub-corperation accounts.. We have just recived an urgent message from high Command all civilians with any flight traning and skills are requested too report to there nearest recruitment centers for a job skill evaluation for the ANS. The Alliance needs pilots that are seeking a role in the corperation to test and show there skills as good pilots who will not betray the corp. To all and everyone the ANS is not a "BIG GOV" corp we are looking for members that can give to and get from what they put in. Currently looking for the following .. Manufacturing and mining pilots / Combat Pilots / Combat Commanders / any all or other skills will be reviewed for the corp...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 13:45:26
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