

ASA Industrial Coalition
Name ASA Industrial Coalition
Ticker ASA-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo HiroDaishi
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98389616

Members [4]


u'The ASA Industrial Coalition is a division of the ASA in which specializes in industrial administration, mining, research and development, manufacturing, planetary development, and exploration and wormhole operations. Though the ASA IC\u2019s duties are spread out, its main focus is administration and making sure operations run smooth and efficiently.

Amarr Separatist Alliance (ASA), is a separatist movement led by Garth Ravencroft and his ASA Core Council. Formed by various planetary and sectoral corporations, as well as some influential persons in the Amarr Empire, that has declared intentions to leave the Amarr Empire, refusing to comply with its excessive taxation and corruption in the Privy Council during the Sleeper Crisis.

We are currently seeking, Mining Foremans, Explores (hackers), Production Overseers, Research Analysts, PI Engineers, POS Engineers. If interested message either HiroDaishi or Garth Ravencroft.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:56:09
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