

A Menace to Society
Name A Menace to Society
Ticker AM2S
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Playa Hater
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98144952

Members [4]


u'It\'s not personal it\'s just EVE

\u201cA Menace to Society\u201d is an active mercenary/pirate corporation. We like to work together and have some fun, kill people, and cause others to perform emergency bowel evacuations.

Mission Statement: Be the best at what we do and to fill a few diapers.

What we do:
Mercenary Contracts
War Declarations
Asset Denial
Wormhole Raiding/Harassment
High Sec, Low Sec POS Bashing
High Sec , Low Sec Killing
High Sec, Low Sec Escort
Surveillance, Recon
3rd Party Mediation/Monitoring
Custom missions tailored to your needs
General Pirate like mischief

Each contract is different and therefore pricing does vary. Prices will be contingent on the target, job type, length of the operation and will always include the Wardec costs. Half of the negotiated price is due at time of contract agreement with the rest payable upon completion. Contact us immediately if your situation changes or if you require special arrangements. However, our fees will be collected \u2026 one way or another.

All contracts will include target, duration, start date, mission type, and payment terms.

We will protect the identities of our customers.

Customer satisfaction isn\'t always guaranteed unfortunately as this is Eve and shit happens, but we will do our very best to satisfy your contract. Please contact one of our points of contact by Evemail for more details.

Note: For as long as you\'re a customer of ours or you\'re blue to us we will be loyal and respectful to you. We expect the same in return. All others are free game!!

Recruitment: OPEN
1. Must be an active PVP player
2. No rookies allowed, we are not a training corp.
3. Must participate in corp ops and assist in corp goals
4. Much be active in terrorizing, killing, ganking, griefing, and ... killing
5. Must use Team speak (with working mic)
6. Must have fun but follow corp rules.

Contracts/Diplo: Vegas Lawdog CEO
Cute Killergirls

Apply here:
Join Public Channel: AM2S Contracts \u2013 contact us for access.
Get an interview


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 04:47:23
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