

Freighter Friends
Name Aadusa
Ticker ADUS1
Alliance Freighter Friends
Faction -
Ceo Caylor
Members 33
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 98462753

Members [33]


We are Aadusa.

Recruitment: OPEN*
What we offer:

- T2 and capital production
- Opportunities for development
- A fast track programme for newer players
- Redevelopement and tuition for careers
- Dedicated Discord Channel
- A very generous ore buyback program
- Visually correct aesthetics

What we're looking for:

- Friendly and like minded pilots
- PVE & PVP pilots
- People with an open mind and willingness to help.
- Memeboys
- *Recruitment is currently by invitation only.

CEO: Caylor

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 11:25:00
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