

Abacus Industries Group
Aerodyne Collective
Name Abacus Industries Group
Ticker AIGC
Alliance Aerodyne Collective
Faction -
Ceo Stella Brightstar
Members 36
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 298473646

Members [36]



CEO - Yasidra

Recruiter - Nikoli Gliemer

"Squad 1, secure the gate. Squads 2 through 4, loot those enemy wrecks and dock up. Another great job Logi. Next op is in the enormous site in 70 mins, load up on bistot crystals." Chatter fills the airwaves as the wing commander cuts his mic. Warping to the outpost, you turn your head to look out into the darkness toward a dark moon orbiting planet IX. You were part of the team that hauled the components so many weeks ago. In less than 20 hours a new titan will roll out of the POS and join the alliance.

Abacus Industries Group, a proud member of the Aerodyne Collective, is an industrial corp with teeth. Once mastering mining, every pilot is expected to qualify as a logistics pilot, then train for fleet doctrines. Our miners pvp, and our pvp pilots mine.

After years in nullsec and wh space, Abacus is currently based in hisec, reorganizing to face the realities of Fozzie Sov which has changed the face of nullsec and destroyed many strong nullsec alliances. CCP is working to correct their mistakes, and when they do we'll be ready.

Abacus is a mature social corp which focuses on individual growth and prosperity as well as cooperative efforts to work together as a corp. Our miners get 23/7 mining boosts, our FC's provide training, our logi fleet provides support to all, and anybody who wants to try their hand at doing something gets the corp's support. Most of all we want every member to have fun. You're paying good money to play and we want you to get your moneys worth.

Whether you are an individual looking for a good corp, or a corp seeking to join an alliance, contact Nikoli Gliemer for more information. We don't always fly safe, but we always fly fun.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 12:55:54
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