

Abandoned Land
Name Abandoned Land
Ticker ABAN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Roderak Pleem
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1362192222

Members [4]


The tribal elders have always said there is strength in numbers, it's what united our tribes in our darkest of hours, also did it guide us back to our freedom. We Minmatar were tempered in the forge of battle and we eventually threw off our parasitic oppressors, but the time for complacency is not at hand, millions of matari brothers and sisters toil still under the yoke of slavery, and its time to finish the deal, time to strike while the iron is hot, time... to release the hammer and end the tyranny.

Abandoned Land is more than just a collective of warriors fighting for our cause, we are loyalists and believe in honesty and honor to the tribes and our peoples. The Amarr learned the hard way that we do not bend, they learned also that these wolves have teeth, they could not control us then... and they cannot stop us now, our time is here and now, join us in our fight.

The rewards of combat go well beyond headcounts and loyalty points, isk made and isk lost. Its the long periods of watching..... hunting.... waiting. Its the heart pounding sudden exhilaration of danger and violence that makes the blood pressure roar like a cornered lion, Its both the sense of loss at a ship once loved, and its that cool wash of success that cascades down your body from your head to your toes when all goes just right, it is both heaven and hell. can you handle it? can you feel it?

* 0% tax rate, no Skill Point minimum, although we do expect competency in cruiser class vessels and down.
* High Minmatar and/or Gallente Faction standing, 2.5 minimum Minmatar Faction Standing.
* Interest in helping the Minmatar Militia effort. This may be in combat (a plus), or industrial roles.
* Keeping your own ISK. No corporate assets, unless you count making friends an asset. We certainly do.
* US PST (Eve Time -8hrs) evening currently.. note, that isn't a requirement, but will allow us to do more gang activities, at least to start.

* Remember, becoming a member of Abandoned Land makes you an enemy of the Amarr Empire and Caldari State. What does that mean to you? Ask us, it's not nearly as bad as you may think.

Write/Convo Roderak Pleem, Dirty Joe1, for more information.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:06:27
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