

Abattoir Militia
Name Abattoir Militia
Ticker ABMT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Selanious AcLore
Members 7
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98275750

Members [7]


The Abattoir Militia is a new Corporation seeking new and veteran pilots alike. We are stationed in Low-Sec, and are focused on PvP/PvE, though those with a passion for Exploration, Industry, or a little Mining are also welcome, though we expect you to be skilled enough to assist in our main focus should we call on you.

Currently, we can only offer a ship replacement program, a fun group of people, and the oppertunity for vets to build a core group of pilots from the ground up, and honesty. We will never wrong you, and will only seek to make you better. The better the members, the better the corporation. We hope to offer a lot more once we get rolling.

We are looking for:

* Leaders willing to take responsibility for organizing roams, recruitment, diplomacy, and management of assets.

* Pilots with FC experience. We can offer a chance for these people to build fleets how they see fit, and teach new people to fly the way they need.

* Pilots willing to assist new players with questions, as well as take them out on roams.

* New players. New players are a must for any corporation to grow, so please don't hesitate to apply! We can show you the ropes, and allow you to quickly learn EvE with minimal loss on your part.

* Vets. With your experience and know-how, we can become a top-tier corporation in a short amount of time. Please come, and aid us in mentoring a new generation of EvE pilots.

Alone you are forgotten. Together we are legend.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 10:39:33
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