

Name Abra-Kadaver
Ticker 26CM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Anahh
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98497108

Members [3]


The Oipo-Warp

- A system in the pocket behind piak. The horrible warp of 160 AE is a pain for every freighter pilot. We know this feeling so we use "Oipo" as a unit for longer warps.

80 AE = 0,5 Oipo
160 AE = 1 Oipo


"FC, reporting in: The warp between the gate and our bait is 0.25 Oipo. Suggest to move the fleet closer!"

CB on the PIRAT-Scale

The PIRAT-Scale messures how stupid and inappropriate aggressive an act is that loses in an absolutely deserved/predictable loss of a ship. The PIRAT-Scale reaches from 1 to 10. The unit to messure this is CB (Cyka-Blyats).


1CB ~ To lose a mining barge because you think that a Warrior I is absolutely enough to kill that frigate-gang.

5CB ~ To warp with a gank-nestor-fleet to a hostile astrahus and lose your expensive ships because your cap reaches only 30 seconds and a few T1 battleships are enough to kill you.

10CB ~ To tackle a carrier with your frigate and shout 'TACKLED!' just seconds before you sit in your POD.

"FC, scout reporting in: Hostile fleet outnumbers us 3:1. They have more logistics, definitely more EWAR and have way more DPS. An attack would reach 5 CB!"

PE on the martinscale

As a unit for distinguished salty tears we use the unit PE (Public-Enemy). PEs are messured by the martinscale (based on Trottel Martin, the alliance leader of Public-Enemy). The martinscale reaches from 1 to 10. The legend says that if you reach 10 PE on the martinscale, the game mechanics will drop you out of your current corporation and will automaticly move you to Public-Enemy. The current change is: 4x tears = 1x PE


1PE ~ "You took (a) my ship, you little (b) retarded fuck! You think you are better? You are not! (c) I will come back and kill you. Prepare yourself for my revenge! (d)

"FC, reporting in: Hostiles reached 3 PE on the martinscale. We can expect them to fight us very soon."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 11:42:39
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