

Absurdity of Abstractions
Name Absurdity of Abstractions
Ticker AB5RD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Caleb Nikolai
Members 11
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98290084

Members [11]


u'\u201cDo you know what punishments I\'ve endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men\'s most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn\'t tolerate my existence."

Absurd. It means to be utterly or obviously senseless. Illogical and contrary to all reason or common sense. Abstraction. The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events. To put them together, we are not just called Absurdity of Abstraction. We emulate that name in ourselves. Each one of us is absurd; we are illogical in our determination and work against all reason in order to become a better player. We ourselves are abstract; we nurture ideas and cultivate innovation rather than focus on physical achievements. But we are more. We are the wolves that chew through the chain of the mold, the ravens that rise from the standard and we set ourselves apart. We few choose to fight against the many and the mighty. We choose to fight as David versus the Goliath. No matter the odds, we will throw ourselves fully into the fray of combat. We identify as villains to others and in that become a paragon of their champions. Do not misunderstand \u2013 we will destroy our enemies, we will take from them sovereignty and worlds, and through us the conquered will do one of two things: rise from their own ashes like a great phoenix and confront us again \u2013 or they will perish and fade into their grave. Our crest \u2013 the falcon with swords on a field of black. We are the predator of war, taking space through conflict scathed, bloody, and wounded \u2013 but victorious. Should we find an enemy greater than we, the name of our corporation flares brightly with the hunger of combat and we will slake our thirst all for one thing \u2013 the betterment of ourselves and our enemies, should they rise with us on wings of flame. To you, prospective capsuleer \u2013 should you choose to join us in our journey you would become a part of the great sword to cut through the stagnation. You could help us set the cosmos on fire with a great conflagration of passion comparable only to the raging core of a blazing sun. Adorn yourself in the colors of Absurd. Don the fittings of a heraldic cavalier to bring forth the idea of Unity Through Conflict. Join the crusade. Become Absurd.


Status: Open. Check our advert for details.

Public Channel:
AB5RD Public


Eric Tsero
Dessix Draxen
Binary IQ

Nunquam Ante Numquam Iterum
\u201cNever before, Never again.\u201d'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 20:43:23
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