

Abyss Cooperative 3
Name Abyss Cooperative 3
Ticker ABVE3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Zacmos Celist
Members 1
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98300327

Members [1]


We are several corporations united with the common interest in playing EVE to its fullest with the help and support of its members. We aim to assist people with fulfilling their goals including playing EVE free of monthly charges and free of unprovoked harrasment.
Members are free to do as they wish while enjoying low tax rates and ship/gear/advice assistance.
Abyss Cooperative 3 will primarily focus on PvE mission running with Combat Fleet Operation opportunities prepping members for Incusion Fleet operations and other large scale operations.
Miners and other business related players are certainly welcome here, and encouraged to pursue their goals and dreams with our help, if requested.
We do not seek war with other corps and likely never will and will do what is necessary to ensure the safety and peace of members.
Fly Safe, and Have Fun!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 20:30:32
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