

Accers Syndicate
Name Accers Syndicate
Ticker ACCER
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tyraneous
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 174061952

Members [1]


The Accers have moved in to EVE! we are a small group of industry , mining , mission running and PVP orented players looking to expand in EvE. we have access to teamspeak and are activly recruiting new members.
looking to join? Contact Reaperac (US) or Treges (UK)
Teamspeak 3 IP will be given apon joining.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 00:11:23
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API J:22 Mar 00:49 K:22 Mar 00:54 C:22 Mar 01:05 A:22 Mar 01:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Mar 00:57 S:22 Mar 00:48 W:22 Mar 00:59