

Adeptus Illuminati Aegis Authentica
Name Adeptus Illuminati Aegis Authentica
Ticker AIAA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo LordLoki
Members 11
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 799785230

Members [11]


Currently recruiting capsuleers to Further the Caldari Empire.

The Adeptus Illuminati Aegis Authentica, also more well known as the Enlightened Guardians of the Truth, were until recently a clandestine society within Caldari society working "to better the interests of the State". Historically this was through a mixture of force of arms, occasionally visible due to their mercentile interests, and proprietary technology. It is thought many Caldari politicians and officers were members, including in his youth Admiral Okaseilen Fukashi, Some academics have stated the name infers a link to similar organizations within the Amarr Empire, though this has never been proven.

Decades later, they have come into the public limelight - voluntarily - with a large commercial presence, based upon the earnings of their underground dealings. Principally they appear to be interested mainly in commerce and science in the galaxy, but they retain their mercenary heritage. Why they have chosen now to drop their cloak of secrecy is unknown, and speculation both within and outside of the State on their interests is rife. Only time will tell what their motives for coming forward at this time are.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-19 19:34:41
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