

Advanced Excavators Inc.
Name Advanced Excavators Inc.
Ticker ADEXI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lady Kalani
Members 7
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 1181981298

Members [7]


Builder of fleets
Specializing in capitals, cap. parts, BS, BC, exhumers, barges & JF's & structurs. (please inquire for pricing & scheduling)

Get on our Blue List...
request blue statis & join our mining fleets when ever you like, no invite required.
Enjoy T2 max quad boosts (range, cycle time, armor, & shld) + compression.
Discount on ore, minerals & ship sales.
(If you are interested in discounted mineral or blocks sales, please contact AzTrackGuy & he'll set-up your own ordering form - via google doc's)

Need to bolster your nullsec indy wing?
Rorqual & exhumer pilots are available for hire for temperary or long term ventures (Currently available - contact AzTrackGuy so we can talk about your corp's or alliance's needs)
services available both in HS & null: max fleet boosting, exhumer miners (moon mining ready), establish indy wing for mining ore, ice, moon & PI, PI fuel, POS sustainablilty, production line creation, max refine, JF transport, set up corp buy-back program, and corp stock-piling. For null sec assignments, this also includes increasing & maintaining industrial index's

Your HS indy wing's production ground to a hault from a wardeck? we can suppliment your ore & mineral needs to keep your production rolling.

Want to moon mine, but don't know where to set up? which moons are worth more?
We have a nice spreadsheet where we can plug in scan results & know the qty's of ore & isk values of the moon chunk for any cycle, if you would like us to compile your scan results for a fee please contact us for further info.

Do you have too much moon ore that your corp is lacking the man power to mine it all before the ore pops? ADVEXI can come help you mine your ore, all we ask is for 20% of the rock as a fee.

Join us on the ADEXI channel
ADEXI engages in HS mining & production with a periodic null sec presents

ADVEXI is also avail. for co-ventures or corp mergers.

Join me on Discord

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 18:19:53
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