

Advanced Ganymede Core Technologies
Name Advanced Ganymede Core Technologies
Ticker AGCT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo teeie boper
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 179779006

Members [4]


We are currently recruiting

This is a corp for those who are tired of player corps that are no different from NPC corps.

Advanced Ganymede Core Technologies is an industrial corporation with the purpose of supporting the alliance Scorpion Shipyards Conglomerate.

AGCT is made of two divisions: Industry and Missions. The Industry division focuses on AGCT's mining, research and manufacturing needs. This division produces hardware both for market sales and for the corporation's military division. The Missions Division is responsible for PvE operations on a combat level in order to increase and maintain corporation standings and fuel the industy of AGCT through providing demand of products.

AGCT players are friendly and mature and we do our best to encourage teamwork and fun.

Advanced Ganymede Technologies welcomes players of all nationalities and timezones and is welcoming of new capsuleers to New Eden.

AGCT's leadership and members are dedicated to helping new capsuleers because AGCT believes in investing into its human capital.

Features Include:
- Large scale strip mining to supply resources for production.
- New player social security and education program for rapid skill training.
- High level of player activity and cooperation. Players inactive for too long or too frequently are cut.

For more information, contact: Ashin Kurosaki.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 19:56:07
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