

Advanced Research and Development AG
Name Advanced Research and Development AG
Ticker ARDAG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rodeo Schmidt
Members 6
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 98287904

Members [6]


Wanna manufacture or Invent?
But you lack the appropriate BPO/BPC?
You got the BPO already but now you need some research on them so ur wast of time and ressources will be lowered? Dont wanna wait a month time for free empire slots?

When your looking for good quality for good price R&D jobs to be done, This is the corp you are looking for, Quick and easy. Convo me for available slots.

Contract to: Advanced Research and Development AG
Location: Malkalen IV - Moon 1 - Caldari Funds Unlimited Depository
Collateral: BPOs market price (needs to be reasonable - when >50m please mention it)

Everything exapt ships:
ME: 1 slot = 2m per day.
PE: 1 slot = 2m per day.
Copy: Max run = 200k per Copy.

T1 Ships:
Frigates: Destroyers:
2.3m per +1 ME 3.0m per +1 ME
1.8m per +1 PE 2.3m per +1 PE
1.0m per max run copy 1.8m per max run copy

Cruiser/Industrials: Battlecruisers:
3,5m per +1 ME 15.0m per +1 ME
2.7m per +1 PE 7.2m per +1 PE
3.1m per max run copy 7.8m per max run copy

Industrials: Mining Barges:
3,5m per +1 ME 5.3m per +1 ME
2.7m per +1 PE 4.1m per +1 PE
3.1m per max run copy

For BPO research: BPOs market price plus a 10% price premium will come ontop if you do not want to purchase them on your own. Otherwise u could purchase tham at the market and than contract them to me. Again Quick and easy. Just convo me.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 05:25:26
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