0.0 Industrial/PVP corp in FRMT . We are looking for more Miners/PVP Pilots with atleast 25,000,000 sp who what to come to 0.0 and make isk mining and ratting and killing . mixed pvp/mining is always a bonus. We have corp programs that benefit both pvpers and miners just follow the links below.
Recruitment is open!
AVRAE Recruitment * Link all your accounts Mains/Alts/Aplha's (security checks)
* MUST HAVE DISCORD/Mumble WORKING MIC. <--if u dont have this u wont get in.
* Don't make DRAMA! u will get kicked instantly.
Corp Programs
Corporation SRP and Fleet OP Payment Guidelines
CORP BUYBACK JOIN AVRAE Recruitment AND PING IN THIS CHANNEL I will see the flash :)
EU/AUS/NZ/US TZ folks all welcome
Rockius US /
Regra Stark US /
Kaine Darkheart US /
xAtlas42x US /
Lara Zateki EU
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 21:53:06