

Adventures with Bill
The Possum Lodge
Name Adventures with Bill
Ticker -AWB-
Alliance The Possum Lodge
Faction -
Ceo Old Man Sedgewick
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98078633

Members [1]


u"Well, later that day, we're handing the wood up to Bill, and he's gonna... These have all been pre-cut to the width of the tree fort that he wants, and he's got a bunch of... Puttin' the spikes, uh, put the spikes in his mouth, stop him from talking a little bit there, and just... start drivin'. Really drive that\u2013 drive that\u2013 Oh! Oh! Oh, ow-ow! Oh! Oh!

Well, I don't have to worry about the wind. Alright, so he's kinda chewing and being kinda preoccupied. He's chewing\u2013 Bill, you're chewing on the nails!

Bill, you're chewing on\u2013 Bill, you've eaten the nails! You've eaten them. They're gone, you ate 'em. Yeah, yeah. Oh, boy. Gettin' enough iron in your diet, are we, Bill? Boy! Oh! Look out! Oh, my gosh! Coughed up a nail, huh? That was a party!"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 19:28:51
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