

Aldent Prime Enterprises
Name Aldent Prime Enterprises
Ticker ALDPE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mara Yazria
Members 7
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98738985

Members [7]


Aldent Prime Enterprises, founded by the ambitious and resourceful Intaki entrepreneur Leala Aldent, had its beginnings in the Federation Navy Anchorage at Intaki Prime. With a strong emphasis on mining and manufacturing, the corporation's main objective is to foster sustainable growth and economic prosperity for its members and partners. Operating in various regions across New Eden, Aldent Prime Enterprises employs cutting-edge technologies and efficient methodologies to extract and process rare ores and other valuable resources.

Proud of its Intaki heritage, the corporation upholds the principles of collaboration and diplomacy in all its interactions. Consequently, Aldent Prime Enterprises has established a reputation for dependability, trustworthiness, and a dedication to improving the lives of its stakeholders and the communities they serve.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 22:16:50
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