

Alexylva Paradox
Name Alexylva Paradox
Ticker ALXVP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Saede Riordan
Members 55
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98124073

Members [55]


u'Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum
Let Justice Be Done, though the heavens fall

We honor ransoms

(RP Lite, NBSI)

The Alexylva Paradox is paranational corporate entity founded in YC114 by capsuleer Saede Riordan. Its known space operations were initially based in The Citadel, where the corporation established a sprawling research complex in the Suroken system. Shunning publicity, the Paradox corporation had early links to the Angel Cartel and was flagged as a mid- to high-threat entity by CONCORD \u2013 but no evidence of illegal activity was ever tied to the corporations\' flagship laboratories.

As the Suroken laboratory complex grew, so did Paradox\'s ambitions. Funnelling money laundered through the Jita markets into shadowy projects involving artificial intelligence, cybernetic enhancements, and advanced planetary terraforming, Riordan and her allies soon set their sights on territory unrestricted by the laws and politics of Empyrean space. Since January of YC115 they began progressively moving their operations out of Suroken into Anoikis, shuttling huge amounts of materials out of Known Space and settling into a system they have dubbed Origin.

In early YC116, the corporation joined Low-Class. After two years of joint operations and mercenary work, the alliance disbanded. In April YC120 a force headed by Wormhole Outlaw invaded Origin which resulted in the fall of Indigo City. Some among ALXVP\'s number continued to lay claim to Origin as a home after the invaders left, funneling in lightweight covert assets to keep an eye over the remaining colonies. After some time, the corporation returned to act as a space patrol force for the remaining government of Origin. also investigated existential threats and could be found working with friends and strangers alike to aid in the Triglavian War.

In July YC 123 control of Origin\'s space was lost once again, and little is known about the group\'s activities since then. Some have speculated that the group has returned to its outlaw ties, and the few Alexylva Paradox pilots spotted in space indeed appear to be utopian anarchists and guns for hire.

Alexylva Paradox values autonomy, self-determination, and mutual respect within its ranks. For inquiries please visit our Discord or mail Streya Jormagdnir or Che Biko.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 15:33:23
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