

Amarrian Extensive Enterprises
Name Amarrian Extensive Enterprises
Ticker P-V-E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Marr Mandrake
Members 5
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1039587888

Members [5]


u'Welcome to /\\.\u039e.\u039e. @ \u039e\u03bd\u039e \u0398\u03a0L\u0406\u03a0\u039e!

"Greetings Brethren".... "Another glorious day in the Empire"

/\\.\u039e.\u039e is for Faithful Amarrians, Loyal \'Ammatars\' (Minmatar; RP) & our Caldarian Allies committed to the service of Empress Jamyl Sarum & the protection of the AMARRIAN EMPIRE!!!

"There will be neither compassion nor mercy; Nor peace, nor solace\u2026 for those who bear witness to these Signs and still do not believe."
- The Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 25:10;.

The First \'Claiming\' began in DOMAIN; That is where it will begin again. It is where we gain our first experiences; & where we find our first paths. So let us BEGIN.

Our members are enthusiastic, respectful, & ACTIVE. We are in the initial PHASEs of our Corps Goals. Together our \'Skill\', \'Patience\'s\', & \'FAITH\'; Combined with our EFFORTS & The Theology Council\'s \'Holy Guidance\', we will accomplish ALL our COMMON GOALs. "JOIN US" Test our worthiness. \'All\' Faithful Amarrians (this includes our Loyal Ammatar;) & our Caldarian Allies are welcome. Together we serve the EMPIRE. "Her enemies are our enemies"; "Her allies are our Allies";

"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance & furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.; - Old Scripture; Ancient Text;.

We will DEFEND & RECLAIM AMARRIAN systems; We DO NOT perform, support, or SANCTION any act of PIRACY. We will seek out those that prey upon the meek; We will show them the ERROR of their ways thru ENLIGHTENMENT by the PURE CLEANSING LIGHT OF OUR HOLY AMARRIAN TURRETS\'.

We \'ACTIVELY\' SEEK the committed (PVP) members! \'DAILY\' ops include Hi/-LOW/-\'NULL\' sec; PVP training classes w/ patrols & roaming; assisting allies in various actions / OPs. Each member adds their strengths & skills to our own. There is always a place for \'Enlightenment\' & \'Reverence\'. Our Corp, as our EMPIRE was founded on the INDUSTRIOUS. We will always embrace and sheppard the PVE ops/career. But there is always room for \'Disciplined Order\'. Every voice will be heard. But not every idea will be implemented. Our goal is to grow in numbers & maintain a level of Piety \'as only the Holy Theo Council can guide us in\'. So that we may be worthy to discover our DESTINY & \'RECLAIM\' sovereignty of the most Truly Blessed & most Glorious systems in ALL of Creation.

Mission Statement;
Our Corporate view is that the Corporation exist for its members. HOWEVER A Corporation does NOT exist without its members FULL support. We faithfully serve our members, we have faith that our members will faithfully serve.

We offer this support with the following three (3) Tenets:
\u2756\u27a3 The stability of having Information, guidance, & assistance available when needed to every member from every member.
\u2756\u27a3 Assistance acquiring \'SKILLBOOKS for Training\' (CORP. GOAL: FREE \'SKILLBOOKS;\' for members)
\u2756\u27a3 CORP ISSUED PVP FLEET SHIPS; -OR- Provide assistance in acquiring various T1-T3 ships & equip. FREE of charge.

--Amarrian Ext Ent; Corp has positions available in the following;
> Mission Runners; [PVE;]/-Couriers; [PVP;]
> Security patrols;/-Wingmen ops; [*PVP OPs;]
> Tactical Fleet Ops; [*PVP OPs;]
> Exploration;/-Prospector; [includes; DEDSpace Complex;/ \'Null Sec\';/ \'Wormhole OPS\'; *PVP OPs;]
> Miners;/-Haulers;/-Salvage;
> Processing;/-Reprocessing;
> Research & Development;
> Invention & Production;


To apply; Offices are located @ Ashab VIII - Moon 10; Theology Council; (HQ)

Join the fight... join our Corp. & HAVE FUN in \u039e\u03bd\u039e \u0398\u03a0L\u0406\u03a0\u039e w/ us ! Let the \'Reclaiming begin!!!\'


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 01:08:43
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