

An Interesting Corp
Name An Interesting Corp
Ticker AIC16
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mochius Ishikela
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98508029

Members [4]


u'Recruitment is currently paused :)

Bow Before the forces of The Great One!

I have no doubt that you, as a player, have noticed the huge number and proliferation of player owned structures in New Eden, especially in Highsec.

This organisation is an amalgamation of a number of corporations and alliances, which have banded together to cause as much chaos and disruption as possible to the inhabitants of a particular area, and to begin destruction of structures in Highsec

We are going from place to place, sieging everything and everyone. In a way\u2026 we are creating the first sort of \u2018player-run\u2019 Highsec incursion. Because of this, we are creating our own lore (which you can add to) surrounding our Religion, and our god, known as \u2018The Great One\u2019.

Learn more of our mission

Recruitment - PAUSED

US - Nero Regen Ralk
EU - Zahk Shardani
AU - Saitek Evo Reimu Sharplin

In-Game Channel The Word of The Great One

If you are a Corporation or Alliance wishing to join us, support our cause or to discuss allegiance please speak to LowCrusader or Nero Regen Ralk directly.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 22:33:16
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