

Angels of Anoikis
Name Angels of Anoikis
Ticker 6E-AA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Major Spaz
Members 2
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 98488145

Members [2]


This corporation is dedicated to Broadcast 4 Reps, to help the moderators have an in-game home, and to rescue lost players that are between major Alliances in New Eden. We also pay tribute to fallen players of EVE Online by placing a candle on the Monument in Iceland.

We are looking for Ambassadors of major alliances to provide a home to our rescued pilots and for contacts of your passed players. Contact Feiryred.

We are not a military land-grab threat, we only have one wormhole, and one null system for we are the Coast Guard of New Eden in service to his vision, Max Singularity, Pope of New Eden.

Remember... Talk to us... talk to someone... join channel Broadcast4Reps in-game or visit the forum post Broadcast For Reps.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 20:53:26
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