

Angry Gamers Incorporated
Name Angry Gamers Incorporated
Ticker .AGI.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo AGIPodcast
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98128908

Members [1]


We're back and we have a plan

Eve has changed, it's time to adapt or die. To this end we're now a Hi and Nullsec corp, gathering resources wherever they may be, whilst fighting the good fight as members of TEST.

We're New bro friendly, with mentors to help guide you in whatever path you choose to follow. We offer the Alliance level fights that TEST are famous for, and the peace and quiet of hisec all in one corp

What we require:

People to be part of a corp, no lone wolves.
Willingness to meet and exceed alliance participation requirements
The ability to be on Mumble comms (mic and speakers, headset preferred)
The willingness to skill into doctrine ships
Full ESI for all characters you own on all accounts
2 million sp minimum
Main must not be an alpha account

What we offer:

Highly skilled and experienced corp leadership
Support and guidance for nearly all aspects of Eve
Alliance SRP
Relaxed atmosphere.
Alliance logistics

come speak to us on our discord or visit our public channel Angry Gamers Public

.AGI. - We be Angry. But you know that fun drunk kind of angry where we rant and remember "The good ole days."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 02:28:55
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