

Armada vi Vulnezia
Name Armada vi Vulnezia
Ticker VULNA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Baroness Vulna
Members 29
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98147186

Members [29]


The Armada is the navy for the Barony of Vulnezia, a small Amarr State on the planet Hati VIII. It is a semi-autonomous city state, backed and largely owned by a massive Caldari Bank, which is headed by the current Baroness's father. Through negotiated deals and politics, the Caldari Bank was able to free Vulnezia of Imperial regulations on space fleets. Thus Vulnezia enjoys many freedoms to grow it's own navy and use it mainly in defense of the Empire but also for it's own profit.

Legal Stuff: Barony of Vulnezia is a conservative Amarr State, slavery of all infedels is encouraged and government enforces a strict one religion of the Empire.

Go forth and convert the ignorant and educated alike, to the ways of the Empire of God, Deus Vult!

Diplomatic Contact Chancellor Kishawna Vyrael

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 11:41:33
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