

Ashes of Rebirth
Name Ashes of Rebirth
Ticker AORB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Luminatra Iris
Members 13
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98276628

Members [13]


"We rise from the ashes of despair to be reborn in glory." - Emperor Heidran VII

We cover industry and combat. We have corp mining operations from time to time, both ice and high-sec belts. For combat we run level 2-4 missions, often times in fleets, or duel each other for fun. We also have events and tournaments within our corporation.

We will run incursions, faction warefare, and mine within wormholes as the corp grows in both size and experience. We understand that this kind of experience is gained from helping one another and running fleet operations together, therefore, new players are welcome to join us in order to better conquer the learning curve of this vast universe.

We pride ourselves on recovering from losses, and work together to achieve greatness.

Our ambition does not end here.

We are the Ashes of Rebirth.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-17 20:22:49
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