

Ashfell Celestial Equilibrium
Name Ashfell Celestial Equilibrium
Ticker --ACE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Greviouss
Members 98
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 935317045

Members [98]


Welcome to Ashfell.

The story of Ashfell begins long ago in the early days of space exploration, when a group of like-minded pilots banded together to brave the dangers of the unknown. With a passion for finding a way to win eve once and for all. We set out to make our mark on the galaxy and pave the way for future generations looking to the same stars we fly in now and to help them find thier own route to them and beyond.

Through hard work and determination, we have grown into a unique and capable force in New Eden,
known for our skill, teamwork, training of the new, and our unwavering dedication to our members.

Ashfell was founded long ago by a seasoned explorer who discovered a hidden asteroid belt rich in valuable resources. He shared this discovery with a small group of friends and together they formed a corporation to mine and trade these resources. As their wealth grew, they expanded their operations and began to build ships, and then all the other things there are to make in eve.

With wealth came adversity to overcome, and overcome it we have as we, along with our allies, have repeatedly faced off against powerful enemies who have threatened to destroy everything we built.
But we always refuse to back down when we are in the right.

Through strategic planning, expert coordination, and fierce determination, we have emerged time and agan as a victorious entity one way or another. With each win, and each loss, its own marker in time and turning point for Ashfells history, and as time marched on and we flew fought exploded and ultimately solidified our reputation as an upstanding force for good to be reckoned with, and cemented our place in the annals of Eve Online history time and again.

Today, we continue to thrive quietly in the Metropolis region, with the same focus of winning eve in the only way you really can, and a strong commitment to maintaining the best possible environment for our members.

We are always recruiting new members especially those new capsuleers who have yet to find thier own path to the stars, we invite you to join us in our ongoing quest to push the boundaries of what is possible in Eve Online.

So, whether you're an experienced player looking for a way to make a change or to stand up to a new challenge, or just starting out and looking for a place to call home, we welcome you to join our corporation and be a part of our story.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 09:07:47
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