

Asset Relocation Specialist Enterprises
Name Asset Relocation Specialist Enterprises
Ticker A.RSE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo B'ob
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 484139397

Members [2]


Asset Relocation Specialist Enterprises is here to help YOU!

A.rse is a corporation consisting of pilots from every walk of life, whether you're a Scientist, Miner, Hauler, Mission Runner or a Gun for Hire, A.rse is happy to accommodate you.

A.rse is respectful of all aspects of life within this wide universe and understand that sometimes moving your own assets might be harder then you first thought, which is why we're here to accomidate you in A.rse as best we can.

We are dedicated to getting the most out of A.rse that we possibly can, and understand that sometimes this might be with patientce understanding and waiting, or sometimes with a good solid push from A.rse, but whatever way is required, we have the men inside A.rse to get the job done.

*** We are currently recruiting Pilots from ALL walks of life, if you think you have what it takes to be inside A.rse, or have any issues or questions regarding our pilots or something that has come out of A.rse then contact one of our Diplomats listed below***


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 00:55:55
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