

Astral Corpse Collective
Brave United
Name Astral Corpse Collective
Ticker A4-CC
Alliance Brave United
Faction -
Ceo Luana Hekki
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98557960

Members [3]


Buyback has moved to INIT Old locations Changed Awate new locations

BuyBack - flat 92% Jita Buy (No P0/P1 - Ships - Heavy water/Stront)

Locations serviced
LS-High Regions
how and who to set up a contract to
First make sure it is in a station blue and dockable to Either The Initiative. Or A.C.C
If unsure you can also move it to an npc station
Those also not Imp can take advantage of this buyback
Temp Restriction Buybacks are limited to 1B per contract (not per person)

make a link useing Goonpraisal
Set Contract to Astral Corpse Collective
Set Contract life to 4 Weeks

Point of contact and Donation Luana Hekki / If contant fails contact Leis Aisus

The ones that collect and exist where there is profit to be made

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-26 20:06:16
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