

Astral Free State
Name Astral Free State
Ticker .AFS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Victor Astorius
Members 15
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98712202

Members [15]


Astral Free State

As of now, the Free State is in it\'s early inception and we\'re actively looking for new members to make up the future core old guard. We\'re welcoming to people who have just started the game and are as of now teaching some new players the basics of the game.

If you have grit, an independent streak and don\u2019t like the idea of having to play the game in a \u201cmost optimal\u201d way. Then we\u2019re the place for you. Our role isn\'t to play the game for you, but to create an environment where you can experiment and find your path. We don\'t do handouts, and we don\'t take from you. We believe every milestone feels more rewarding when you feel that you\'ve truly earned it.

To us personality is more important than skill points or the amount of ISK you have. We are looking for people that enjoy exploring the many facets of the game, have creative ideas how to forge their own path and enjoy being social and interacting with other people.

AFS takes a lot of real life inspiration from the early Texas republic and the Boer republics of South Africa, so if you\'re a fan of the Gunslinger, Pioneering and Laisses Fair-free-for-all inclinations of that time, we might be just the right fit for you.

If you have any inquiries about cooperating with the Free State, if you feel this would be a perfect home for you, or if you have any general questions, you are welcome to contact Victor Astorius.

Liberty, Duty, Civitas

The Free State operates under these three guiding principals. Our long term goal is to establish a sovereign republic that is based on these core principles.

We will always adhere to minimal taxes for our civilians, who are also free to pursue whatever occupations they chose to within the law. In return, every civilian will be expected to fulfill their duty in the militia in case of hostile actions against Free State territory and interests.

The Civitas, or the social body of the citizens, will be made up from people who chose to forgo their civilian life and serve in order to become citizens. The Citizens earn the right to vote for representatives once they have gained their citizenship through their duties.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 01:23:59
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