

Astral Resource Collection Operations 2
Name Astral Resource Collection Operations 2
Ticker ARCO2
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tasher
Members 1
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98303078

Members [1]


Astral Resource Collection Operations 2 is a growing corporation geared towards industrial pilots. Our primary focus is to achieve universal influence in the market while taking care of our own. Hoping to become a reputable corporation, we are always looking for opportunities to tackle. We believe that through teamwork and unity, our corporation will grow stronger.

We are always looking for jobs so if you have need of ores, minerals, or products, please contact us.

- Recruiting both beginners and experienced pilots
- HQ located in high-sec, bordering several low-sec systems
- Rich asteroid belts that are typically quiet
- Near several crucial trade routes
- Capable and friendly pilots
- Mining, refining, manufacturing, trading, hauling, missioning, ratting, exploration, and more!

If interested, contact me through in-game communications, or send an application through the corporation information tab.
Full API requirement.

Fly safe.
- Escpage CEO ARCO2

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 02:41:39
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