

Name Asylum.
Ticker MADD-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Buck Reece
Members 5
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98536536

Members [5]


You DO have to be crazy to join us...

We are a PvP focused corporation, dedicated to the training and development of everyone that is new to PvP.

If you want to really enjoy this game with a great community and get great at blowing people up, this is the place for you.

Fleets we cover:

\u272a Small, medium, large scale roams
\u272a Sub cap & cap engagements
\u272a Blops fleets
\u272a Gate camps
\u272a Mercenary warfare
\u272a Large scale operations

What we offer you:

\u272a PvP skill progression plan
\u272a Tiers for focused learning
\u272a Isk making support
\u272a A community that puts real life first
\u272a A new bro / alpha friendly envrionment
\u272a Alternative gameplay for downtime fun

Requirements to join:

\u272a Discord & Teamspeak
\u272a Willingness to learn
\u272a Not a dull sense of humour..
\u272a The love to shoot people
\u272a The want of being apart of something more

Join the Madhouse. <-- join us here.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 04:03:14
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