

Aureus Enterprises SARL
Name Aureus Enterprises SARL
Ticker AURES
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Auric Blouchant
Members 16
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1076391199

Members [16]


u'Looking for experienced & new pilots to join the Aureus team!

Aureus Enterprises, SARL, is a relatively new corporation with big plans, focusing mainly on mining and shipping, but expanding soon to manufacturing and fleet operations and services.

While we have a focus on our larger goals to become a multi-stellar conglomerate and economic force, we operate on the principle that pilots are always free to run their own missions and work freelance jobs or missions for themselves.

Pilot requirements:
\u2022 Serious minded pilots (though sense of fun a must)
\u2022 Both solo mining and group mining is supported and encouraged
\u2022 Beginners and experienced pilots welcome

Extra opportunities for experienced pilots with corp. management experience as operations advisors, with shares and signing bonuses

So here is a chance to get in on the ground floor of a friendly company with big plans and prospects no matter your level (no trial accounts please, except by invite).

Contact Auric Blouchant or more info; or apply directly in our main offices at the Roden Shipyards Factory the Jufvitte system, or our branch office at the Federation Customs Assembly Plant in the Eletta system.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:40:46
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