

Avem General Industrials
Name Avem General Industrials
Ticker AVMGI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jenetixx
Members 10
Tax Rate 0.9%
corporationID 98504879

Members [10]


u'Avem General Industrials is a small company composed of ambitious players primarily focused on the industry.

We take pride in our member-friendly policies, rewarding those, whom help us grasp at the market as a corporation. We actively provide the following features :

\u2022 Fleet mining operations. The fleet operations are accompanied by an Orca, increasing the fleet\u2019s yield and providing storage. Your share is calculated with your ship data, as well as several other factors taken into account.
\u2022 A fixed ore buyback program. Our ore buyback program allows our members to sell their ore at a fixed price at one of our establishments, which in turn will be reprocessed and used for commodities for profit.
\u2022 Voice comms. We provide a Discord server to communicate on when necessary or for a friendly chat.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 22:40:10
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