

BSE Protection Agency.
Name BSE Protection Agency.
Ticker BSEPA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ulon Naus
Members 10
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98319263

Members [10]


We are a small newley founded corp of slightly mentally challenged people. :P
We dont have any major goals other than making ISKies and spending them having fun.
New or old, as long as your a social person, and dont get offended easily. we can provide a nice new happitat for your character.

EvE is a game, and not a lifestyle, you'll not find any seriusnes here. :)

We do a little of everything. basically what people seem to want to do.
DED sites.
We also have acess to a nullsec station as base of operations.
(And if your suggestions sounds like an awsome time killer. we will do that too)

We dont require anything of you, and we never will. Everything that happens in this corp is entirely voluntary.
(exept when CEO asks for ("favors") ofc. :P )

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 19:05:42
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