

B Class Idustrial
Name B Class Idustrial
Ticker BINDR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Steveu Andedare
Members 2
Tax Rate 4.9%
corporationID 98567901

Members [2]


B Class Industrial

We thrive on providing industrial services to our Allies. No matter if its research, production or mining.

- Honest
- Willing to participate with other corp memebrs
- Know basic industry methods

What we offer
- A welcoming comunity
- Fitting Insurance/Replacement Program
- Assistance for anything industrial
- Mission assitance
- Resource Wars assistance

We welome anyone to join who even knows how to mine anything. You may be removed if you are abusive to other members or abuse our services.

sdb62 is banned from this crop for being toxic

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 09:01:56
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