

Name Behexen.
Ticker -BXN-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Xurde
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98238837

Members [3]


u'Corporaci\xf3n enfocada principalmente al PvP dentro de espacio 0.0 (null sec), formada por un peque\xf1o grupo de pilotos experimentados (unos m\xe1s, otros menos...) que tras pasar por diferentes corporaciones, alianzas y habiendo vivido en low sec, null sec y wormhole, decidieron iniciar su propio proyecto.

Reclutamiento: ABIERTO
Zona actual: IMMENSEA
Security Status: 0.0
Zona Horaria: EU
Idioma: Castellano / Ingl\xe9s*
Alianza: Cult of War
Contactos: Shusting / Donfor
Diplo: Hawksmor
Canal P\xfablico in-game: Behexen. Public


Behexen. is a null-sec based corporation focused mainly in the PvP side of EvE.
Built by a small group of experienced pilots (some more than others\u2026), who after enjoying
several aspects of the game such as life in low sec, null sec or wormholes, decided to combine
efforts and start their own project.

Current Home: IMMENSEA
Security Status: 0.0
Time Zone: EU
Languages: Spanish / English*
Alliance: Cult of War
Contacts: Shusting / Donfor
Diplo: Hawksmor
In-game public channel: Behexen. Public'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 13:01:41
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