

Bioglitch Capital Logistics Inc.
Name Bioglitch Capital Logistics Inc.
Ticker BIOCL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Peace Forgiven
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98264571

Members [6]


u'Highsec Corporation that provides manufacturing support to those in need throughout the \u039e\u03bd\u039e U\u03a0IV\u039eRS\u039e.

Capable Capital Production:
-> Carriers (Non-Supers)
-> Dreadnoughts
-> Freighters
-> Jump Freighters
-> ORE (All)

Capable Tech 2 Production:
-> Heavy Assault Cruisers
-> Logistics Cruisers
-> Recon Cruisers
-> Covert Ops Frigates
-> Electronic Attack Frigates
-> Interceptor Frigates
-> Transport Industrials
-> Mining Barges & Exhumers

Capable Tech 1 Production:
-> All Tech 1 Ships (Tier 1-3)

Recruitment: Open

Please send an in-game mail for all inqueries.

Please visit our website for production and pricing information: '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-11 20:11:49
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