

Bitten By Science
Name Bitten By Science
Ticker BBSCI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dingoo Ridgeback
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98195629

Members [6]


u'We love the laws of thermodynamics.
They teach us that everything around us will shatter and fade away one day, following the path to the state of maximum entrophy.
We love to create and destroy as we please in the time we have left.
We love our immortality, we love challenges, we love human nature and we love uncertanity.
We love science.
We were bitten by science and we carry the plague of progress to the stars.

BBSci is looking for partners!
Are you missing a logi, scout, tackler or are you just one guy short? Contact BBSci today!
No need to leave your corp, we will be happy to join you on your operations.
Are you alone in the universe? Don\'t worry, we will be happy to include you in our ops.
We\'re willing to experience new things and learn with you as you go and we\'re willing to trash a lot of things along the way.
Just let us know you\'re interested.
Dingoo Ridgeback

Did you know...?
...that anyone flying a Catalyst is a criminal? He might not be flagged yet but he\'s not fooling anyone.

--- CZ ---

BBSci hled\xe1 partnery!
Chyb\xed v\xe1m logi, scout, tackler nebo prost\u011b jen dal\u0161\xed \u010dlov\u011bk do party? Napi\u0161te n\xe1m!
Nemus\xedte opou\u0161t\u011bt svoji korporaci, r\xe1di se s v\xe1mi pust\xedme do spole\u010dn\xfdch operac\xed.
Jste sami? \u017d\xe1dn\xfd probl\xe9m, dejte n\xe1m v\u011bd\u011bt a my v\xe1s r\xe1di zapoj\xedme do na\u0161ich akc\xed.
Jsme ochotni se s v\xe1mi u\u010dit nov\xe9 v\u011bci a rozt\u0159\xedskat p\u0159itom hromadu vybaven\xed.
Dejte n\xe1m v\u011bd\u011bt, \u017ee m\xe1te z\xe1jem.
Dingoo Ridgeback '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:40:18
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