

Black Star Rebels
Name Black Star Rebels
Ticker ZTAX0
Alliance Cyno.Up
Faction -
Ceo Haaken Wyborn
Members 16
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98509936

Members [16]


Null Sec the Right Way
Talk to us and learn about a new way to live in null sec. Don't be restricted to just one or two systems. Have several constellations to play in for one flat fee. Play the way you want to. Do what you want to. Have fun again!
WinterCo Space: Alien Residency Privileges
+ Use of multiple constellations of WinterCo space, shared with WinterCo.
+ R8, and R16 moons available for an additional rental fee
+ Free mining of higher value coalition moons
+ You can join Winter Coalition home defense fleets if you want to
+ Super cap and titan defense fleet
+ Discord/mumble channels for communication with leadership and other residents
+ Logistics services
+ Jump bridge network
+ Docking rights
+ In-game intel channels
+ Good markets

WinterCo_Space (in game channel)
Jack Marshal
Avril Merrde
Arrowspeeed Bounty

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 20:41:14
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API J:14 Mar 01:37 K:14 Mar 01:34 C:14 Mar 02:04 A:14 Mar 02:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:14 Mar 01:38 S:14 Mar 01:30 W:14 Mar 01:15