

AEGIS Assembly
Name Blackstock
Ticker BSCH1
Alliance AEGIS Assembly
Faction -
Ceo Adoudel Patrouette
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98615332

Members [8]


We need players at all skill levels & time-zones.

Blackstock seeks to be a self-sufficient organization with operations in all areas of EVE.

When all of our centers are operational, members will be able to experience all aspects of the game, from abyssal space to wormholes to Sov-Null.

We will have an industrial focus because industry provides the ships & structures needed to take and hold space.

These industrial operations will need security support. Mining & resource gathering operations will generate more resoures than we can use, so we will need to create trade hubs to sell them, and logistics support to move resources to the right place at the right time.

Our current goal is to establish low-sec moon mining, null-sec ice mining and related PI operations. These will provide fuel blocks for moon mining and reaction operations to make ISK and build resources to move into SOV-Null and wormhole space.

To apply to our group please apply & tell us about yourself,

So speak to someone you can join our waitting room: AEGIS Waiting Room

If you apply to our corp please tell us about yourself in good detail.
If you apply with a shit apply, you will be blocked & listed. No one in this alliance will take you on or there corp will be removed! Thank you

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 23:46:25
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