

Blake Industries
Silent Infinity
Name Blake Industries
Ticker BIPL
Alliance Silent Infinity
Faction -
Ceo xepiov
Members 32
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 791287603

Members [32]


- 0% Tax Rate -- You Made It; You Keep It
- High-Sec Headquarters in Minmatar Space with POS
- Null-Sec Office in Alliance- Sov held system complete with POS for Industry and Protection
- Regular High and Null-Sec Mining Ops -- Ore and Ice
- T1 and T2 Manufacturing
- Active and Close-Knit Alliance Focusing on Industry, Missioning, Wormholes and Fleet Ops
- NRDS Policy Observed (Not Red, Don't Shoot)
- VENT Alliance Coms
- New-Pilot Friendly, with plenty of Veteran Pilots experienced in Exploration, Mission-Running, Wormholes, Industry, Research, Planetary Interaction, Mining, Ratting, Trading, PvP and Fleet Ops

Blake was founded in 2006 and has always been held by the same CEO. Our Command Staff has years of experience with all types of professions. Keep to yourself and enjoy the 0% tax or join in the many activities we've going on. We're expanding into Capital Ship Manufacturing and larger Fleet Ops. Join Blake Public for more info.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 01:02:48
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