

Blazing Capsules
Brave Collective
Name Blazing Capsules
Ticker -BLZ-
Alliance Brave Collective
Faction -
Ceo Yaktorin
Members 123
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98582741

Members [123]


Have you heard of Blazing Capsules?

The Ultimate New Eden Spoof. A corp where everyone named Yoats or Yak seems to be in the way of the cyno chain. In order to grab their space, Grand Inquisitor Takamata, a politically connected nasty person, sends in his henchmen to make the corp unlivable. After the XO is killed, the corp demands a new XO from the CEO (Yoats Falvius). Takamata convinces him to send the town the first awesome XO (Yaktorin) in New Eden. Yaktorin is a sophisticated urbanite who will have some difficulty winning over the corpmates.

We are currently recruiting!
Hit us up in our public channel
Blazing Capsules Public

CEO Yaktorin
XO Yoatius Falvius

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 04:02:48
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